Spare parts for the Esse Dragon multi fuel stove

The Esse Dragon stove is a wonderful throwback to past designs.Taking inspiration from the Queenie stove that was made around the turn of the Century - they have adapted the design to make a living room size stove capable of producing 7.5 kws. It is built so that the large doors can be thrown open while the fire is burning, but even when shut down the fire can still be watched through the big glass panels. You will be able to get spare glass for the panels - if you happen to damage your current glass. If you lift off the decorative top there is a hotplate underneath for keeping things warm. It should be quite easy to recognise this stove from the picture - as it is a multi fuel stove it will be fine for burning coal and smokeless fuel as well as wood. The Esse Dragon was made in 4 versions, the Mark 1, 2,3 and Dolphin. The MK1 has 4 pieces of mica in each door, some MK2 models have glass and some mica,the MK3 has 1 shaped piece of glass in each door and the Dragon Dolphin has 4 shaped pieces of glass in each door which are slightly larger than the MK1 and Mk2. Production of the Esse Dragon was discontinued in 2007. For the MK1 and MK2 we can only supply replacement mica or glass. Grates and grate bars are no longer available for any of the Dragon stoves.